Students enrolled in our program take a paper/pencil pre-assessment of reading and math skills.
Teachers receive online feedback and information for each student and the entire class.
Item analysis information is provided to allow the teacher to tailor classroom experiences to gaps/holes.
Small skills-based groups are developed, and our assessment platform provides lesson ideas and activities to support the individual development of skills.
Students enrolled in our program take a paper/pencil post-assessment of reading and math skills.
Individual and whole-class data is shared with teachers.
Growth from pre- to post-assessment data is prepared and shared with teachers as well as provided to all stakeholders at the end-of-year report.
Schools are encouraged to share this data and results with teachers in the fall to address skill gaps and provide seamless instruction.
Skills are identified utilizing the item analysis and teachers are provided specific learning sequences based on the data
Teachers and school leaders are provided with grade-level and individual student reports in both reading and math
End of Program Report

A Showcase of Learning
Upon completion of the program, our Summer YOUniversity team carefully prepares a customized report for you to share with families, board members, interested community members, and school staff! The data and information is prepared specifically for your school about your students and their experience throughout the summer.
This uniquely crafted presentation of the program designed and implemented at your school will serve as a showcase of summer learning.
End of Program Report
End of Program Report Includes:
A one-page executive summary that can stand alone as a snapshot of the program.
Student data including attendance and pre and post-assessment data.
Growth reports in reading and math including analysis of trends.
Details about program implementation at your site.
Data on student incentives and school store information.
Staff development training and professional development feedback and information.
Survey data including student, staff, family, and coordinator feedback.
Program details include instructional hours in reading, math, and STEM/PBL projects.
Program-specific feedback including pros and areas to improve next summer.
Pictures of a variety of experiences from the summer.